Serpent Power: “Feels like I’m levitating”

It was early May when listening to debut album from Serpent Power inspired incredible stories and images, captured in the most allucinatory “review” I had ever written.
Is this what music is supposed to be, right? A one way ticket for unknown destinations!
We’ve been waiting long to have a few words for a Q&A from the two sorcerers behind this album, which was actually born out of the collaboration between The Coral’s Ian Skelly and The Zutons Paul Molloy. 
It’s actually a few words, music clearly speaks louder for them, but there are hints and references worth a check.
Here they are, with the usual generous dose of images and sounds.


Q –  Did you start to write songs together just out of a common love for same sounds or did you have from the very start the plan of releasing an album?
Paul – We kinda just connected I guess. Mentally and artistically.
Ian – We had and have a mutual love for music, art, literature and movies.

Q –  How is the songwriting process? Who came with ideas and how you developed and refined them?
Paul – We write together and separately. There is an extremely interesting process in the creation but it’s almost unanalytical like most art.
Ian – Sometimes we can have a conversation and it then turns into a song

Q – Where did the name of the band comes from?  Serpents – especially big ones! – are popular creatures in many folk tales and myths.
IanYeah I was reading the book on ancient mysticism and it came from there.

Q – Who takes care of the visual and graphic side of your project?
Do you have any favourite visual artists you would recommend to check?
Ian – Yeah I do the artwork for the band and in the case of Serpent Power they usually come from the themes and characters Paul and I write about.
Steve Ditko and Jack Kirby are great.

An intergalactic football game. 1972 – Jack Kirby
Steve Ditko - Mr. A
Steve Ditko – Mr. A

Q – Your lyrics are dense with characters, surprises, surreal situations. Even if they’re not direct references or inspirations, what is your background as literature and poetry readers?
PaulYeah some are make believe and some are based on actual people. We love H.P Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe and stuff like that. All kinds of stuff really. A lot of gothic horror and sci fi.
Ian – We pass around a lot of movies. They are a constant really and inspire us as much as records.

serpentpower2Q – Do you see a future for the Serpent Power project or should we consider it more like a one-off?
IanYeah definitely we’re already working on the second album.
PaulYeah we are just in the arrangement process now.

Q – The term psychedelic is meant to refer to music to listen to for “mind travelling” (the famous third eye…). Do you see also the act of composing psychedelic music as a trip in itself?
Paul – For me personally yeah I almost feel like I’m levitating when I’m making or playing music. There is a trance like and altered state I think goes hand in hand with it.
Ian – I think our music is not just psychedelic. It has a lot of different resonances. I guess you can call it psychedelic because it is colourful and trippy but it has many different facets.